Blog Critique Guidelines
Blog comments help to build community and are part of your critique and class participation grade. You will be expected to comment on 1-3 images of your fellow classmates’ artwork per week. Some weeks will be process-shots of work and other weeks will be finished artwork.
Use your art vocabulary when posting comments. I will be checking the blogs weekly to make sure that you are writing your comments.
For example:
You are expected to leave a positive feedback
- What not to say….So cool-love it!
- What to say….So cool, I love the way you used the complementary colors to energize your design.
You are expected to leave constructive feedback
- What not to say…..this is a bad design
- What to say…. This design could benefit from the use of more contrast and perhaps cropping for a more dynamic composition
How to Photograph Your Artwork for the Blog
Artwork will be photographed and submitted on our class blog or Course Site. In order to submit the best reproduction follow a few simple guidelines:
- Use light from a large window or shoot your work outside, especially on a cloudy day. You want the light to be as even as possible.
- Make sure there are no shadows cast upon your work ( including your shadow or your phone)
- Frame your photograph tightly around the work, but it’s okay to leave a little space.
- Make you photograph STRAIGHT, meaning that edges of the work are parallel to the edges of the painting or drawing. Apple iPhones are especially good at this because you can place the work on the ground and the iPhone camera will display two plus (+) signs that match up and turn yellow when the image edges are straight, very helpful.
- It often helps to edit your image in your smartphone’s photo editing software, adjusting for exposure, tint, cropping, shadows and highlights, etc. Or you can use a free photo editing app like Snapseed or Photoshop Express.
Tutorial Videos and Helpful Links