5 thoughts on “Line Design Final”

  1. I love the composition of your horizontal design, and how it almost starts to turn curvilinear as it progresses. It reminds me of a rising sun, or a rising wave, which is so cool your piece communicates that through just lines.

  2. Kelly McCallister

    These line designs are so creative and original. I especially love your curvilinear design as it reminds me of a zebra print! Your designs are very bold and I loved to see how your original plans changed to make something even greater.

  3. I really like your diagonal design. The different angles for the diagonals as well as the different line thicknesses create movement making the design more dynamic. The way the pieces are positioned almost touching both intrigue me and make me unease, which I really appreciate.

  4. Nice variety of line design that embody different rhythms and speeds. The diagonal design is really strong in both composition and craftsmanship. Make sure that shapes are cut cleanly on the boarder edges. I am not sure if the 3rd Design is meant to have irregular edges. The first design is a great idea and could just use a bit more finesse to get the point across, evenly cut shapes and perhaps vary the thickness and add a few more of the ripple lines-I love how it grows from the same empty seed shape and almost breaths. Keep up the good work!

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